Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Information Seeking Behavior: Kuhlthau Model (STEPS)


•  Information seeking is a process in which an individual goes about looking for information It is a complimentary process to information need.

•  Information seeking behavior include to all approaches of users from generating, communicating and seeking information that is relevant to the information need.


  • Information Seeking Behavior is the process of seeking information as a consequence of a need to satisfy some goal In the course of seeking, the individual may interact with manual information systems (such as a newspaper or a library), or with computer based systems (such as the web)web).
  • “Information seeking is a holistic experience with thoughts, actions and feelings interwoven into a complex mosaic rather than being separate distinct entities Thoughts unfold through action and feelings evolve throughout.
Models Of Information Seeking Behavior

•  Models are developed to represent and to have clear understanding on specific problems where theories are not sufficient.
•  Most of the information seeking behavior models are of variety they are statements that attempt to describe an information seeking activity, the causes and consequences of that activity, or the relationships among stages in information seeking behavior.

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