Sunday, August 29, 2021

Plagiarism - Information Literacy

Plagiarism is making use of other people's ideas, words, creative works and expressions without giving credit or otherwise listing the source of the information. Plagiarism is stealing. Plagiarism is also misrepresentation and includes handing in someone else's work, ideas, or answers as your own. Regardless of whether it happens inadvertently through hasty research or on purpose through unethical choices, it is plagiarism just the same. This guide helps inform you about plagiarism, and gives some best practice ideas to help avoid plagiarism.

Why people plagiarize?

       Lack of Writing Skills.

       Misconception/ ignorance of plagiarism.

       Lack of strict academic discipline.

       Lack of research methods skills.

       Lack of referencing/citation skills.

       Time factor.

       Easily availability of reading materials/text on the internet.

       Lack of knowledge or subject matter.

       Lack of patience.

       Cut-and-Paste culture in research and academic community

                                                  What is considered as plagiarism?

       Taking quotations or passages directly without citation.  Taking ideas without giving credit

       Changing words but copying the sentence structure of a source without giving credit

       Failing to put a quotation in quotation marks

       Giving incorrect information about the source of information.

       Copying so many words or ideas that it makes up the majority of work, whether credit is given or not.

       Taking work from previous work without reference to that work.

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