Monday, April 11, 2022

Teaching and Learning Methods 2022 [NTA NET Paper - 1]

 Teaching and Learning Methods  [NTA NET Paper - 1]

Teaching has been defined as the process of facilitating learning and learning is broadly defined as the process of acquiring knowledge, attitude, skills, habits and abilities. To determine whether teaching has facilitated learning, evaluation is carried out. In other words, teaching, learning and evaluation are the three interdependent aspects of the educative process. This interdependence is clearly seen when the main purpose of instruction is conceived in terms of helping students achieve a set of learning outcomes that include changes in the cognitive, psychomotor and affective domains. The instructional objectives or the desired changes in students (learning) are brought about by planned learning activities (teaching) and the students’ progress is determined by tests and other devices (evaluation). There is a direct relationship among the four important factors of the educational system, such as objective, curriculum, method and evaluation. As the Indian Education Commission (1944–1966) has remarked, ‘It is now agreed that evaluation is a continuous process, it forms an integral part of the total system of education, and is intimately related to educational objectives, it exercises a great influence on pupil’s study habits and the teacher’s method of instruction and this helps not only to measure educational achievement but also to improve it’

Teacher-Centered Teaching Methods

Lecture Method:  Lecture method is the most conventional and dominating teaching method and is preferred by many teachers. In this method, a teacher attempts to explain facts, principles or relationships to help learners understand. Here, the teacher is an active participant, the students are assumed to be passive listeners. Usually, the students do not converse with the teacher during lecture by the teacher. That way, it is one way communication. The teacher talks more or less continuously to the class. The class listens, writes and notes facts and the ideas for remembering and to think them over later. It can be made a two-way communication, if the teacher allows students to ask few questions to clarify a point but no discussion is usually held.

Basic Features

1. It is formal and narrative in nature.

2. It presents a series of events or facts.

3. It explores problem.


1. It is economical and a single teacher can teach a large number of students at a time which is not

possible by using other methods. It saves much time and the syllabus can be very easily covered

within a limited time.

2. It simplifies the task of the teacher.

3. It is useful for imparting factual information and drawing attention to its important points.

4. During lecture, interruptions and distractions are usually avoided.


1. It provides very little opportunity for student activity; the teacher takes special care to make the class interesting.

2. It usually does not provide opportunities to learners to solve problems.

3. It offers limited opportunities for checking learning progress, whether the students are attending and understanding all that the teacher is explaining.

4. The interests, abilities and intelligence of students are not taken care of.

5. It does not allow individual pace of learning.



Suggestions to make lecture method more effective:

1. The teacher should avoid the tendency to read from the lecture notes word by word.

2. The teacher should maintain eye to eye contact with the students so as to seek their continuous attention.

3. Good lesson planning with introductory remarks, main headings, sub-headings, figures and important data and concluding remarks. The students should get opportunity to make notes.

4. Use of simple language so that students are able to understand. The main points should be repeated in alternative language.

5. Make effective use of audio-visual instructional facilities to improve communication of ideas.

6. Make appropriate use of illustration and examples. There is a need to ensure fair presentation of different views and theories.

7. Provide short breaks during the lecture period for asking thought provoking, stimulating and problem-solving questions. Leave time at the end for clarifications and questions.


Team Teaching Method: Team teaching is an innovative approach in teaching large groups in which two or more teachers are involved in planning, executing and evaluating the learning experiences for a group of students.


1. Sharing the best faculty by more students.

2. Optimum use of multiple teaching techniques and devices.

3. Improvement of teaching quality.


1. Finding teachers with special competencies is a difficult task.

2. More teachers are required for this method.

3. Not useful for teaching all subjects.

4. Requires much time for planning and scheduling.


Tv or Video Presentation: Television or video presentation is an improved presentation of radio or audio presentation and it can virtually bring the whole world inside the classroom. Screening of video presentation is followed by a discussion or task.


1. Many important personalities and experts are brought to the classroom through video presentation.

2. Specifically useful for adult learners.

3. Illustrated lectures and demonstrations can be supplemented by other teaching instructional facilities, such as slides, models, specimens, etc.

4. Easily accessible for learners in remote areas.

5. Specifically useful for subjects, such as geography, astronomy, etc.


1. Less possibility for two-way communication.

2. There can be difficulty in adjusting to complicated schedules to telecast period.


Group Discussion (GD): This may be counted under small as large group teaching methods. It is one of the oldest methods used by Greek scholars and scholars from Nalanda University. A discussion method of teaching is a democratic method used to develop better understanding among students, for supplementing a lecture, in connection with an observation visit or case presentation and for sharing information. In this method of considering various facts about the topic under consideration, understanding of these facts by studying their relationships and drawing out conclusions of the facts and their relationships are studied. It stimulates students’ thinking process to analyse and integrate facts and help in developing their abilities in presentation of their ideas and facts clearly and fluently.


1. A stimulating thinking process, it helps in the development of critical thinking.

2. It is pooling of knowledge, ideas and feelings of several persons analysis and integration of facts, ideas and concepts.

3. Rationalization of facts and it thus promotes intelligent learning.

4. Learning together, sharing responsibilities and interests.

5. Developing team spirit in teaching-learning process.

6. Discovering talented students. Good for developing oral and non-verbal communication




1. It requires more time, efforts and resources of both teachers and students.

2. It may involve unnecessary arguments. Discussion may go off the track.

3. It may create emotional stress and unpleasant feelings.

4. Possibility of domination of session by a few students.

5. It is not suitable for all the topics.

Seminar: It is a type of group discussion where one trainee or several, prepare a paper on a given topic, issue or problem, which is then presented to the whole group for discussion and analysis. A series of seminars can be presented by the trainees around a major topic, so that they form a linked series of discussions. The main stages in seminar are preparation of paper, presentation of paper and discussion on it. Seminars can be bigger ones also.


1. This method gives more independence, which leads to the development of presentation skills of the participants.

2. It provides opportunity for the trainees to prepare and contribute to a particular topic thoroughly.

3. It provides opportunity to the trainees towards practical group leadership and allows them to use analytical skills, research on conclusions, solve a problem, etc.


1. It is time consuming and may cause stress to participants.

2. It needs a group of trainees with fairly high-level of attainment.


Panel Discussion: A panel consists of a small group of six to eight people. They carry on a guided and informal discussion before an audience. For example, a panel discussion takes place on the issue of climate change. The leader must, in addition, take special care to select the panel members who can think and speak effectively? He must also be sure, that they prepare themselves to discuss the subject.


1. Panel discussions, if well conducted, are usually more interesting to the audience than the single-speaker forum.

2. Usually on socially relevant issues.


1. Bringing experts to a single forum can be difficult.

2. The audience is not actively involved.


Brainstorming: Brainstorming is a creative group work in which the group members produce a large number of ideas quickly on a given topic or problem for subsequent evaluation. In this method, anyone can exchange remarks with anyone except that the participants are not allowed to criticize the ideas at the time when views are being invited. Sometimes quantity of ideas is more important than quality. Spontaneity is the hall-mark of brainstorming sessions. Several rounds of brainstorming are conducted till all the ideas are exhausted. Participants are then asked to evaluate all ideas and list the best one.



1. It encourages creativity that helps trainers to produce, think and explore ideas.

2. Scope for larger participation.

3. It is economical as it does not require much preparation.


1. It is not a very systematic way of studying a subject.

2. There is a possibility of some trainees being reluctant to participate.


Project Method: This can be described as both a small group and an individualized instruction. In this method, the students are allowed to explore and experience their environment through their senses and direct their own learning by their individual interests. Very little is taught from the textbooks and the emphasis is on experiential learning rather than rote learning and memorization. A project method classroom focuses on democracy and collaboration to solve purposeful problems.


1. Students are likely to develop the habit of critical thinking.

2. They develop the habit of working in teams.


1. Continuous monitoring may be required and Additional resources may be required.

Role Playing: Role playing has been used effectively by many teachers to help solve classroom interpersonal problems and to teach human-relations skills in the classroom. Role playing has also been used to facilitate subject-matter learning through the dramatization of literary and historical works and historical or current events. In all these uses, role playing provides the student with a dramatic confrontation and clarification.


1. It is the semblance to real-life situations.

2. Interactive and interesting, it entails participation of every member of the group.

3. It gives immediate feedback.


4. It develops social, decision-making, problem-solving, negotiating and manipulating skills.

5. It is effective to change the attitude of the participants.


1. It has unpredictable outcomes.

2. Real-life situations are usually more complex.

3. It requires a considerable number of resources.


Simulation: Simulation means creating conditions that are quite similar to actual conditions and then training is provided under those conditions. For example, the training of pilots and astronauts takes place in conditions that are quite similar to actual flight conditions. Simulation is specifically used for training purpose.


1. They are economical in the long run.

2. Safety aspects are taken care of.


1. It entails high initial investment in machinery equipment, etc.


Tutorials: Tutorial method is a method employed for teaching small groups for developing skills for solving numerical problems, providing individual guidance and sorting personal problems. It is appropriate for taking care of individual differences and guiding the students as per their needs, mastery, learning, comprehending concepts, principles and their applications and for remedial exercises.


1. Focused attention

2. Generates more ideas

3. Better control over pace of teaching and learning process.


1. It is difficult to find a suitable pace if the trainees vary greatly in ability.

2. It can be time consuming.



Demonstration Method: This method is based on the principle of learning by doing and learning from concrete to abstract. The term demonstration means to show. It is adopted in the classroom for the achievement of cognitive, affective and psychomotor objectives. Demonstration can be defined as a combination of verbal explanation coupled with a live display of using apparatus for presenting important facts, ideas or process. It may entail audio–visual explanation.


1. It is effective in explaining materials, objects and ideas.

2. It is effective in explaining abstract concepts.

3. It is useful for achieving objectives in cognitive, psychomotor and affective domains as there is mental and physical participation of students.


1. Only few get opportunities to participate in the experimental process.


Learner - Centred Teaching Methods

The learner centred teaching methods try to accommodate the differences displayed between the learners. The main teaching methods include assignments, case-study approach, computer-based learning, open learning, personalized system of instruction and programmed instructions, which are discussed below.

Assignments: Assignments are given to students for a number of purposes, such as for acquiring additional information, surveying, application of knowledge and solving numerical problems. Although the main role is of the learner, the teacher too has a crucial role. The teacher has to plan the assignments and guide the student regarding references for collecting relevant information. Assignments can be prepared on any type of topic, but the nature of assignment should be such that the students may not merely copy from the books. The assignments should be open-ended and should promote creativity among the students.


1. It helps students work independently.

2. It helps in sharpening the student’s comprehension, analytical and problem-solving abilities.

3. It helps in the inculcation of creativity among the students.


1. Students may copy each other’s material unless the assignments are carefully planned.



Case Study: For students who have been exposed only to the traditional teaching methods. The case studies call for a major change in their approach to learning.

A case is usually a ‘description of an actual situation, commonly involving a decision, a challenge, an opportunity, a problem, or an issue faced by a person or persons in a social set up such as an organization’. In learning with case studies, the students must deal with situations described in the case, i.e., in the role of a decision maker facing the situation. This method has applications across disciplines, such as psychology, management, biology, law, sociology, history, etc., to name a few.

By allowing the students to gain hands-on experience of the real world and shifting the work focus from professor to the student, the case-study method becomes an efficient tool for the creation of a learner-entred education rather than a teacher-centred education. The student becomes actively involved in the course and is no longer an observer in class developments. The cases can be short from brief classroom discussions to long and elaborate semester-long projects. It is important for bringing real-world problems into a classroom or a workshop. They ensure active participation and may lead to innovative solutions to the problems.


1. It provides opportunity to the participants to analyse, critically examine, evaluate and express reasoned opinions.

2. It enhances decision-making and problem-solving skills.

3. It ensures active participation, which may lead to innovative solutions.


1. It requires training for the teachers to use this method.

2. It is not useful for all subjects and situations.


Programmed Instruction: Programmed Instruction (PI) is a general term for a highly structured system of learning, which is based on logical sequence of self-paced, learning steps with

 feedback between each step. The learner gets immediate feedback after each step.


1. There is regular feedback.

2. This ensures active participation of the learner and it can be used for any subject.


1. Learner motivation may get diminished after sometime.


Personalized System of Instruction: Personalized System of Instruction (PSI) can be used for all subject matters except where the students are to select the contents. Learners must achieve mastery of a series of written mastery units, assisted by teachers, proctors and enriching lectures before proceeding to the final test. PSI consists of five basic elements as shown below.

1. Mastery learning

2. Self-pacing

3. Stress on written material

4. Proctors

5. Lectures

It is best suited for contents that are usually conveyed through written material.


1. It is based on mastery learning.

2. It facilitates self-paced learning.


1. It is not suitable for rapidly changing course contents.

2. It is not suitable for psychomotor and affective domains.


Computer-Assisted Learning: Computer-assisted Learning (CAL) is concerned with the use of a computer to mediate the flow of information in a learning process. A computer has the ability to process information very quickly, accurately and to adapt and respond to the learner’s need, difficulties, and progress, which is much greater than that of a book or video tape.


1. It has more flexibility and better control in comparison to other methods.

2. It can be effectively used for drilling and practicing, simulation and modelling.


1. It is impersonal and costly.


Open Learning: It is a flexible method of delivering the instruction, where the learner has open access to learning resources of people, material, equipment and accommodation, although regular class attendances are not necessary. There are no or minimal restrictions on admissions. The face-to-face interaction between teachers and students through tutorials should form a part of open learning. For open learning, the learning packages are to be developed, making use of multimedia. Open learning instruction is, however, not suitable for the rapidly changing nature of content as this involves time, expertise and resources.


1. It offers flexibility to the learner.


1. It is not suitable for achieving psychomotor and affective learning objectives.

2. It requires time, expertise, resources and hence, not suitable for subjects of rapidly changing nature.


Interactive Video: The interactive video approach to teaching can be employed to achieve cognitive, psychomotor and affective objectives. It allows the learner to randomly access any piece of information and provide immediate feedback regarding the consequences of their action. The essence of the interactive video experience is video simulation with a greater number of video presentations of real images as possible.


1. Interactive video approach enhances the decision- making power of the individual.


1. This method is time consuming and requires resources and expertise.


Heuristic method: This method was advocated by Professor Armstrong. In this method, the student has to find out the answer to his/her own problem by unaided efforts. Thus, the child becomes a discoverer of knowledge by developing a spirit of inquiry. The main aim of teaching by this method is not to provide much facts about Science, Mathematics, Grammar, etc., but to teach how knowledge of these can be obtained.


1. Self-learning approach


1. Not much focus on factual knowledge


Differentiated Instruction (DI): Differentiated instruction is a dynamic, proactive method of teaching. It means that the teacher plans and uses a variety of ways to teach learning. It is a combination of whole group, small group and individual instruction methods. In this method, the qualitative aspects are given more weightage than quantitative aspects. It uses multiple approaches to accommodate multiple intelligences. It is student-centered, meaning that the lessons are engaging, relevant, interesting and active. It is an organized and planned method of teaching.

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